Norwegian water and sanitation aid to Afghanistan is not quite up to standards. Open defecation has not been combated adequately and the current efforts appear to be comparatively fruitless.
Modalities of water related aid
Since 2000 Norway has allocated 3.5 bn NOK to ensure the fulfillment of the human right to water and sanitation, but to what effect?
The Oil Fund’s investments in Coca-Cola
Fivas has launched a new report on Coca-Cola’s water overuse and how the Norwegian Oil Fund’s investments in the company is against the Fund’s strategies for sustainable water management.
Once Upon a Time in Mexico
16.-22. mars gikk den fjerde World Water Forum av stabelen i Mexico by under parolen ”Local Actions for Global Change”. World Water Forum skjer hver tredje år i regi av World Water Council, en internasjonal tenketank etablert i 1996 som består av næringsliv, forskningsinstitusjoner, internasjonale finansinstitusjoner og vann- og energidepartementer verden over.